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Ways to Donate
Give a gift.
What are my options?
Nevus Outreach is leading the charge to develop resources and treatments for congenital melanocytic nevi (CMN), in order to improve the lives of all those affected. Your gift and support are vital to the team effort.
Make a generous tax-deductible donation today. Better yet, become an Outreach Angel by making a commitment to give monthly or quarterly. Donations may be made online or by phone, mail or email. Contact us today for more information, or continue reading about ways to donate to Nevus Outreach.

Donate Online
Secure online donate form
Our secure, online donation form allows you to use your credit or debit card to make a donation to Nevus Outreach or set up an electronic fund transfer from your bank account. You can either choose a one-time donation or become one of our Outreach Angels by setting up a recurring donation.
Matching Gifts
Contact your Human Resources department
Increase the power of your giving through your company’s matching gift program. Many companies will match your gift to charitable organizations, which can double or even triple your gift. Contact your Human Resources department or matching gift program administrator to find out more.
Outreach Angels
Our most dedicated supporters
Outreach Angels give to Nevus Outreach on a regular basis. Their monthly or quarterly donation provides valuable funding for everything from phone bills to medical research.
The Legacy Society
An elite group of supporters
Join the Nevus Outreach Legacy Society by remembering Nevus Outreach in your will. It’s very simple to do. Just specify your gift to Nevus Outreach, either by stating an amount or perhaps a percentage.