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Nevus Outreach Support Groups
Support From People Who Know What You're Going Through
Are there Support Groups in my area?
Yes! Nevus Outreach is in the process of growing our Regional Support Groups. At the moment, these forums take place most online, via our private social media groups. There, members are able to organize regional gatherings and fundraisers with the support of their Nevus Outreach Regional Group Volunteer.

The Nevus Outreach support group is like a big round-table discussion, only it takes place on Facebook.
This is a "closed" group, so you will need to ask to join. You will also need to answer several questions before being admitted to the group. This process ensures that everyone in the group is truly there to find out more about CMN.
When someone asks a question and someone else has an answer, the communication takes place in the group, allowing others to chime in with related questions or experiences. This is the one place in the world where you are going to find so many other people who understand what you're going through. We have a large group on Facebook (nearly 4000 members). There are quite a number of groups when you look for "nevus" so click on the one that says "Nevus Outreach, Inc." and you'll be in the big group.
Become a Regional Group Volunteer (RGV)
Regional groups rely on the love and dedication of our wonderful constituents and volunteers. If you are interested in becoming a Regional Group Volunteer, please contact Regional Volunteer Coordinator Merilee Vance info@nevus.org
I've joined a support group, now what?
Meet other nevus families in person!
We're so glad you want to be a part of the Nevus Outreach community! Support groups are a great way to get to know other nevus families online and find answers to your questions about day-to-day life with a nevus. If you'd like to meet other nevus families in person, consider coming to the Nevus Conference. Held every other year (2016, 2018, etc), the Nevus Conference is one of the largest gatherings of people with nevi in the world and a fantastic place to receive the support you and your family need. In non-conference years, we also work to hold Nevus Gatherings throughout the country. These are smaller, informal groups of nevus families that get together to catch up, share information, and form friendships.